It's a new year and there is no better time to make a fresh start!
My kids are due back at school this week and I am certain there will be a few blurry-eyed mornings as we adjust back to normality after the holiday season. We will be juggling getting the kids ready for school, preparing school lunches, making breakfast, and cleaning up the mess left behind - and that's all before 8am!
The year also started with a reminder that while we are so fortunate to live in New Zealand at such a time as this, we still need to be vigilant against Covid-19. When visiting the clinic, please take a moment to scan the QV code and sanitizer will continue to be available for you to use. We all play a part in keeping one another healthy and safe, and the clinic has high standards of hygiene and cleanliness to protect you and your families.
"While there may be some adjustments as we head back to work and school, it's important to be mindful of taking care of yourself."
The beginning of a new year brings with it an opportunity to look forward to the upcoming year, with many of us committing to making positive changes to our lives. While such resolutions are great - it's important to make sure they are sustainable goals.
If you have fine lines and wrinkles, scars or pigmentation, or struggle with blemishes, there is no better time to start your skin health journey. Nimue Skin Technology offers a holistic approach to skin health that treats the underlying cause, rather than just the symptoms. We will make sure that the goals you set for your skin are sustainable and can be maintained throughout the year to ensure that you experience real, measurable results.

We have had amazing feedback from our clients from our January Skincare Packages, so we are offering these again in February! To begin your skin health journey, contact me to book your Skin Analysis and make a fresh start to the year by putting your skin first!
Nicola Austin
(03) 355 7812 | 027 283 1905